No Parque Burle Marx que abriga um conjunto artístico e paisagístico composto por uma escultura painel de alto e baixo relevo, jardins específicos, o pergolado e o xadrez, espelhos d´água e uma composição de 15 palmeiras imperiais. A obra, feita pelo arquiteto que dá nome ao local, data de 1950 e passou por uma restauração em 1991. Os mais de 130 mil metros quadrados são revestidos por espécies nativas da Mata Atlântica e de reflorestamento de eucaliptos, que abrigam uma fauna diversificada. Destacam-se ainda um lago, uma nascente e as trilhas na mata, aonde vamos de vez em quando caminhar e comungar com a natureza!
This winter in Europe the trend for clothing and other accessories is knitting , it is all over in display at the most popular stores in Germany. This was something we use to see when we were in our teens, the only difference then is, that it was produced by our mothers and grandmothers, today they are made most likely somewhere in a factory in Asia . In a walk downtown Frankfurt, Germany the other day my wife said, "I would like to stop to buy some knitting needles and some wool, I would like to knit a scarf" , with a surprised expression I said, "do you know how to do that?" She replied in a mild tone, "my mom did, and my grandmother as well, and they taught me when I was young" , to which I then somewhat unconvinced I said, "OK... why not!" For next couple of days I saw her knitting at a fast pace and things began quickly to take shape and form, first a base for some plates, next a couple of flowers, then a trendy...