Just prior to my departure to serve a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I wrote in 1979 a personal statement that would be the basis for the direction I took in life during these last 35 years. I did it with the hope it would guide me in critical decisions. As a convert to the Church, I acquired a profound desire to be a better person in this world, a more committed Christian and to walk the path of mortality with purpose, this was the motivation to write these lines that would provide me inspiration, reference, and courage to live a better life! When I met Filomena, my sweetheart, I felt impressed to share it with her prior to our marriage, these simple words took us to very meaningful conversations and discussions about what both of us would want for our future family and what values and principles would guide and help us raise our children, with her input we updated this statement to become "ours" to guide us i...